Wednesday 3 October 2018

Understanding Status of Virtual Server in F5 LTM


--> Virtual Server is working and able to forward the traffic to the servers.

--> Monitors associated with virtual servers are working.

--> Shows Green circle in the virtual server status icon.


--> The Virtual server is not working and unable to forward the traffic to the servers.

--> Monitors associated with virtual servers are not working.

--> Shows Red Diamond icon in the virtual server status.

Currently Unavailable

--> The Virtual server is working but unable to forward the traffic to the servers.

--> Monitors associated with virtual servers are working.

--> limiting the connection rate has been set up and the virtual server has no more memory to accept the connections for the virtual server.

--> Shows Yellow Triangle icon in the virtual server status.


--> Virtual Server is working and able to forward the traffic to the servers.

--> Monitors are not configured for the virtual server.

--> The traffic received on the virtual server will be forwarded to pool members even they are not working.

--> Shows Blue Square icon in the virtual server status.


--> The Virtual server is not working and unable to forward the traffic to the servers.

--> Network Admin has disabled the virtual server manually.

--> If the monitors configured are working properly then shows Black circle icon in the virtual server status.

--> If the monitors configured are not working then shows Black Diamond icon in the virtual server status.



CCIE# 54759

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