--> PLAR stands for Private Line Automatic Ringdown.
--> PLAR allows when the telephone at one end goes off-hook, the phone (or phones) at the other end instantly rings.
--> There is no dialing required on the handsets to perform voice calls.
--> Private line automatic ringdown (PLAR) should be configured, when a phone should dial a predefined number as soon as the phone goes off-hook.
--> PLAR is mainly configured for emergency phones in the locations such as company elevators or parking garages or Hospitals.
--> Phones with this feature are called as bat phones, ring-down phones, and hot-dial phones.
CCIE # 54759
--> PLAR allows when the telephone at one end goes off-hook, the phone (or phones) at the other end instantly rings.
--> There is no dialing required on the handsets to perform voice calls.
--> Private line automatic ringdown (PLAR) should be configured, when a phone should dial a predefined number as soon as the phone goes off-hook.
--> PLAR is mainly configured for emergency phones in the locations such as company elevators or parking garages or Hospitals.
--> Phones with this feature are called as bat phones, ring-down phones, and hot-dial phones.
CCIE # 54759
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